Electric motor

How To Find Out What Type Of Electric Motors Is Best For You?

Electric motor consists of Rectangle of Wire ADCA. The wire is arranged in such a way that the magnetic field lines come out of the same pole to create a voltage across the terminals of terminals A and B. The ends of the wire are connected in series – P & Q. Split rings also act as a commutator which reverses the direction of electricity in the circuit. The total resistance of the system is obtained by connecting the terminals of terminals A and B together. The power rating provided by Electric motor is in Ohm.


There are two types of Electric Motors DC or Direct Current and AC or alternating current. AC is usually used for large Electric Motors; while DC is used for small ones. The DC one is made of two complementary winding devices that are the commutators and the rotor. The brushes of Electric Motor work on the principle of Electro-Acoustic Transducers. The electrical energy is passed trough the brush and it is converted into mechanical energy by the passage of the rotor blades. Hence, the speed and torque of the Electric motor are increased depending upon the intensity of the brush current flowing through the system.


AC Electric Motor works on the principle of Van De Graaff generator. Van De Graaff generators (VDS) are used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. They use an AC motor to move a Van De Graaff generator, which spins the generator at high speeds. VDS can only be operated at high voltages; hence, AC electric motors are used to operate them at low voltages. The rotary speed of VDS is dependent upon the voltage. AC Electric motors have a different mechanism and work in a different manner from DC electric motors.


The next step in the series is to find out whether you need an AC Electric motor for your Electric motor. This next question has two answers, yes and no. If you want to build a very powerful Electric motor, then an AC motor will serve your purpose. Otherwise, you will be able to generate enough torque from a DC motor and this would make your Electric motor less powerful. Hence, the answer to this next question entirely depends upon your requirements.


The next step in the series is to find out whether you will be able to produce a torque capable of driving your desired speeds. Electric motors built with Permanent magnet Motor will produce more torque than AC motors. To find out the maximum torque your Electric motor will pull you will require Reverse Correlated Time and Price Analysis (RCTPA). RCTPA measures the time taken by an AC motor to spin a given speed versus the time required to spin a permanent magnet motor.


The final step in the series is to check out the power of your Motor. AC electric motors can store energy in their batteries, which will be later converted into direct current (DC). On the other hand, DC motors can be used to produce large amount of torque. In addition, AC electric motors are also used in applications requiring high frequency. Therefore, a proper comparison between all three phases of AC motor should be done before deciding which type of motor to use.

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